The Milestone Records of the Indian Music Colossus TAANSEN got a new path breaking turn with the advanced scientific researches of PSYCHO-ACOUSTICS conducted by ACHARYA SANJAY CHAKRABARTY, the Music Crusader from Indian subcontinent. His researches are based on hitherto unexplored mysteries of the perennial music of ancient INDIA, nay ASIA.

Acharya Sanjay - an world class Indian Vocalist, Instrumentalist and Composer and inventor of SONUSISM "The Science of Better Living".

Like to garner dream experience?

Dealing best with the iconic Indian music performer – researcher Acharya Sanjay Chakrabarty sharing his sensational presence with incredible repertoire on diverse genres from classical to folk, rich with his path breaking researches on Sound and Bio Acoustics based on Indian Music.

About The Artiste


A Versatile Genius, Acharya Sanjay is one of the finest cultural leaders in India and a genuine philosopher.

His divine voice and musicology impacted the lives of many in ways beyond regular artistry. As an artist of voice he represents North Indian Classical and Semi Classical music over the stages of different countries round the globe.

In his mother land he is an acclaimed writer, a composer who has composed for mostly the stalwarts during at least last three generations in India, an instrumentalist of plucking, blowing and stroking musical instruments from Indian traditions, a music designer and above all a researcher.

People, who know him for years are still at awe of a person so powerfully talented, yet so humble.

His magnificent calibre of conjoining music with medical effects never fails to amaze his audiences.

His disciples marvel about his colossal courage of being distinctive. He has and continues to inspire many through his visionary. His philosophy "SONUSISM", the science of better Living through BIO-MUSIC, raises high above Hindustani Classical Music's true image.

An Acharya in its true sense, Sanjay is shaping the next generation and more than anything else he chooses to be the proponent of "Sonusism" which is not just a concept but is slated to become a way of life and source of real happiness in the days to come. (May subscribe the YouTube channel ‘ The Sonusists ’, ‘creativeartandartist’ and many other YouTube channel for free and get more information from different videos of the same.)


It went off the memory lane as to when little Sanjay had his early music lessons from father Late Ajit Kumar Chakrabarty a profound artist of his homeland Shyamnagar. In his school life his father Late Ajit Kumar Chakrabarty inspired him as a student of science and literature as well. Sanjay was also taught and blessed by then reputed litterateurs of his locality, Shyamnagar and Bhatpara like, Mr. Gobindo Ghosh and others.

But the versatility of a visionary, thinker, composer, lyricist, vocalist, instrumentalist, nay a complete exponent musician as a whole being synonymous with today’s Acharya Sanjay is, as he believes, the sole benediction of his spiritual life-guides Shri Shri Premananda Teerthaswamiji and Shri Shri Sadananda Brahmachariji.

ACHARYA SANJAY has hence set his foot with the Good Samaritans holding high the hitherto unexplored message of his mission, SONUSISM.

To examine further details of his persona it comes to light that ACHARYA SANJAY is an ever-stand-alone-free-thinker. He braved opposing salient serious misgivings and misconceptions prevalent so long in the thoughts and practice of BHARATIYA SANGEET (INDIAN MUSIC). Instead, he has raised high above its true image in his well-defined musical philosophy "PRAAN SANGEET". The interpretation of the Sanskrit syllable 'SANGEET' in Indian philosophical perspectives is never limited to the limits of the English term MUSIC only. Sangeet being an extensional form of 'SHABDA' (Sound) has to be conceived and experienced in its so many other different outer 'facets' and innermost 'rudiments' e.g. SANGEET is equally important for general education and public health of any country at any time.

Hence like a curious tale of reincarnation, the taste of century’s old Sages of Hindu era or Nayaks of Muslim era are revisited in the Indian Music scenario in ACHARYA SANJAY, who besides being a Research Scholar and a respectable Music Guru (Mentor/Teacher), is in the first place a Vocal Exponent (all genres from Classical to Folk), an Instrumentalist (Mainly Sitar, Harmonium and Tabla among others), a Writer (some publications are printed out and rest in process), a Composer (more than 1000 already published), a Lyricist (more than 500 published and sung by famous singers), a Music Designer and a Music Director. With the virtues of all these attributes being in one person, he is also endowed with a rare calibre of a most accomplished performing artiste in presenting all variety of his own creations and compositions along with versatile traditional compositions as well. His repertoire is vast from Dhrupad, Khyal, Thumri to Ragpradhan, Modern Songs, Keertan, Film / Non-Film Songs, Bhajan and so on.

Sanjay lost no time to pick the gems from their Raga renditions of different schools or gharanas. This golden opportunity brought him a great privilege in the making of his own individual style of Khyal and Thumri singing in his later life, as Sanjay admits in gratitude.

After a long time of research (Nearly 20 Years) regarding Praan Sangeet (Bio-Music) Sanjay is again available in the most prestigious concerts of North Indian Classical and Semi-Classical Music in India and aboard with the fragrance of Bio-Music within the contents of his performance demonstration.

But interestingly what made him stand on absolutely a different pedestal is evidently his long arduous research on the most intrinsic virtues of the four facets of 'Sound' (Baikhari, Madhyama, Pashyanti and Para) having roots in the bosom of BHARATIYA SANGEET (INDIAN MUSIC) about which some pioneering work had been done in Vedic age.

In this context an interesting point is to be mentioned that, Today's ACHARYA SANJAY - an world class Indian Vocalist, Instrumentalist and Composer and inventor of the science of better living - was awarded two 'Scholarships' when he was only 14 approx. – one was for Mathematics and Science and the other was for the most intricate genre of Indian Vocal Music 'Thumri.'

Another historical coincidence is that the musical legacy of ACHARYA SANJAY largely stems from the ancient 'Senia' Gharana (School) established by TAANSEN. This is because he learnt Sitar from the legendary maestro Pandit Nikhil Bandopadhyay and Pandit Ajoy Sinha Roy of same lineage. In his early days, SANJAY had the privilege of accompanying Sanjay’s elder brother, Pandit Ajay Chakraborty of Kasur-Patiala Gharana with Harmonium in thousands of concerts round the World.

The particular process of accompaniment with Harmonium was enough for a monstrous student like young SANJAY to learn All the Intricacies of mostly all of the styles of North Indian Classical Music. In his early youth SANJAY was use to accompany all then legends like Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, Pandit Mallikarjun Mansur, Vidushi Kishori Amonkar, Pandit Vijay Kichlu, Ustad Nisar Hussain Khan, Vidushi Girija Devi, Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar, Vidushi Sobha Gurtu to competitively young maestro like Ustad Rashid Khan which included his expertise in understanding and playing North Indian Ragas mostly through all the styles of North Indian Classical Music, from Patiala Gharana (Style) to Banaras Gharana (Style) from Jaypur Style to Kirana Style or from Seswan Style to Agra Style – in every discipline of perennial North Indian Classical Music. In the years from 1986 – 87 to 1993 – 94 ACHARYA SANJAY shared one after another stages with Ustad Zakir Hussain, Pandit Swapan Choudhury or other artists of rhythm of super calibre mostly, as a Nagma (Rhythm/Taal Cycle) player which created a deep foundation of his mastery over the nitty-gritty of the timings of Music at a tender age. Finally, Music is the doll of TIME.

ACHARYA SANJAY stood opposed to privatizing the divine gift, that is, Bharatiya Sangeet (Indian Music) within the orthodox frame of feudalistic ideology. Rather his sole determination was to thrash out the true image of Bharatiya Sangeet (Indian Music) and then democratize that 'gift' to million commoners for whom 'Bharatiya Sangeet' is the absolute birth-right. This being a whale of a task ACHARYA SANJAY had to shun arch lights, stop his so acclaimed stage performances and embrace a plain lifestyle only to sit in silence with his solemn researches for over long three decades past. His dream was to bring the priceless property of Bharatiya Sangeet to the services of mankind nationally and internationally. Gradually the dreams of ACHARYA SANJAY turned into truth. PRAAN SANGEET is a reality now. His musical incantation 'PRAAN SANGEET' is as it were put on the wheels of an automated vehicle of prowess which is sure to carry myriad enthusiasts to their desired plateau of success in much lesser time and toil than needed.

During last few years he is again back to his stage performances of different forms of North Indian Classical and Semi-Classical Music mainly along with his busy schedule of lecture & demonstration on Praan Sangeet (Bio-Music), round the world.

Today Indian Music is under a deadly threat. Hence his so magnificent calibre of stage performance which includes materials for general academic education with implied medical effects is a crying need of the hour for disseminating the seeded message of PRAAN SANGEET everywhere in society including even the remotest corners of the country and abroad. HENCE WE MAY BE ALLOWED TO RAISE OUR VOICE ON A BELLIGERENT PITCH TO PUT UP THIS CLARION CALL TO ALL OF YOU, THE MIGHTY HUMAN BOND, WHO CAN ONLY DEFEAT ALL EVIL SPIRITS STANDING POWERFULLY AND TAKE A BREAST-FULL OF PURE BREATH FROM THE VAST HORIZON OF PRAAN SANGEET, THE UNFAILING GATEWAY TO THE SCIENCE OF BETTER LIVING AND A BETTER TOMORROW.

A visionary, thinker, vocalist, instrumentalist, composer and lyricist, SANJAY has grown to be a complete exponent musician over the years (For details please go through different pages of this website).


Every passing day we become more machine

because earlier humans were inventing technology
but nowadays technology itself invents technology & technology guides us what to do.
A time will come when humans cannot compete with machine and will gradually get lost.

Be a part of us and Save the World with "BIO-MUSIC " (Music for life).