Composer > Modern

Composer > Modern

Kavita Krishnamurthy

Acharya Sanjay Chakrabarty

Resmi Chakrabarty

Kinjal Chatterjee

Pandit Ajoy Chakraborty

Anwesha Chakraborty

Priyanka Sharma

Abhijit Mukhopadhyay

In the matter of Modern Song,  the lead factor is literature. There,  the literary mood of song is expressed through the language of tune-composition. Although little changes may come in the tunes through improvisations, the literary part must remain intact without even change of a single phonem. The literary part of Acharya Sanjay’s Modern Song-Compositions mostly belongs to his own creations. The presence of Sanjay’s creative soul is well felt in all his compositions in perspectives of originality, philosophic depth, over-all flow and expressibility. The tunes are so faithfully abiding with the literature that in all composed Modern Songs of Sanjay a rare taste of novelty is always there in the blend of his thoughts and emotion.

After the loftiest compositions of the all time great poet Rabindranath Tagore and of his very few contemporaries in 19th century in terms of so high literary value, varied mood and flavor as well as tune designs, Bengal ran short of that compositional excellence till the end of 20th century when Acharya Sanjay’s brilliant compositions came alive with the kind of that all-in-one warmth and taste proving to be an attempt of bridging that gulf spanning over hundred years.